And now for something completely different

Nem acredito que fiz a minha primeira peça de roupa! Pode não parecer nada de especial mas estou mesmo contente, até porque há que tempos que queria fazer algo para o Tiago. Segui as instuções à risca e acrescentei um bocado de fita encarnada para o ajudar distingir a parte da frente da parte de trás das calças. Agora vou atirar-me ao meu vestido!
I can’t believe I sewed my first clothing item! Maybe this is no big deal to you but I’m really happy, especially since I’ve been wanting to make something for Tiago for ages. I followed the directions and I even added a piece of red ribbon so he can see what’s the front and what’s the back of the pyjama bottoms. Now it’s time to sew myself a dress!

(images: Constança Cabral)

21 thoughts on “And now for something completely different

  1. rafraffel says:

    Hai Constanca,Its really great to make something for your loved one. I never made something for my husband, only for my childeren, but now i’m gonna make something for Karel to. I ordert the book weekend sewing for myself, and i hope it will be deliverd soon. Most off the time i sew for my children, but today i made myself a skirt! Love your blog


  2. ei! kumpel says:

    Ficaram tão giras, uau! E esse computador é o mais lindo do mundo 😉Gosto mesmo muito do teu blog… da simplicidade e simpatia das tuas palavras, das fotos bem tiradas e do teu talento!x margarida


  3. Jacqueline says:

    Hiee Constança, your work is amazing! Love that pj bottoms! Looking forward to see your dress! I love sewing too and im now learning to sew with my very first sewing machine. So happy to have met on Holly’s blog course! Have a lovely merry happy day and see you soon in class!


  4. Jildert says:

    Hey that’s the good news, you do mens wear as well! Shall I send you my size ;). Corrien and her mother love your site and they will order someting very soon. How’s life in Lisbon, sunny I imagine. I think you really need to come to amsterdam again to buy new buttons in the funny store on the canal! Looking forward and I give you a call soon.Big hug, Jil


  5. Ashley Brooke says:

    How fun! I am excited to sew a piece of clothing next. I recently did my first apron and it was so much fun – and I don’t even cook! I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and you are also a “contact” of mine on Flickr.. and then I found you again through the forum of the Decor8 blog class. Coincidence! Just wanted to say hello.


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