How to Make Christmas Ornaments

Why buy Christmas ornaments that look handmade when you can actually make them so easily? Sharon from The Key Bunch requested me for instructions on making Christmas ornaments so I’ve tried to document all the steps you need to take when making your personalised ornaments. So, this is not really a tutorial, but rather a bunch of suggestions written in an orderly manner. Shall we get to it?

1- First of all, you may want to look at some books, magazines, blogs and flickr photos for inspiration. Decide on shapes and look for patterns online. That’s right, I’m not going to provide you with any template, sorry! Just google ‘candy cane’, ‘Christmas stocking’, ‘gingerbread man’, ‘mitten’, ‘heart’ or — even better — draw your own shapes. Then assemble all your materials: various pairs of scissors, a pencil/pen, your glasses (optional), as many types and colours of thread as you wish, baker’s twine (if you own it), loads of buttons, fabric scraps, rick-rack, ribbon, pins and needles. You may notice that I’ve chosen a very limited colour palette because I believe that’s the key to success. But of course you can go wild and pick all the colours of the rainbow.

2- Gather all your felt scraps and turn your radio on!

3- I decided I’d make my templates the old-fashioned way: first I printed them out and then traced over them using some tracing paper I found at the bottom of a drawer (I think I have these sheets since primary school). I then traced the shapes onto a cereal box for durability.

4- Trace all your shapes onto felt and cut them neatly. Always trace and cut in pairs because you’ll be stuffing the ornaments later.

5- Here they are all cut and ready to be embelished.

6- Now comes the fun part: play around with rick-rack, ribbon, buttons and scraps until you are happy with how it looks. Then sew everything onto your ornament piece. There are so many possibilities here that I had to choose and show you how to make only one type of ornament. That means that from now on you’ll watch how to finish this star; then at the end of this set you’ll see other examples of ornaments you can make.

7- Let us get back to the star: make a loop (you’ll want to hang it on a tree branch, right?) and begin sewing the front and the back pannels together.

8- You can do it either by hand or machine and use different kinds of stiches. Here I sewed it by hand using the simplest stitch ever.

9- When you’re nearly finished, grab a bit of polyfill and stuff it through that little opening. You may want to use a chopstick or other pointy tool to get the stuffing in all the tiny and tricky places.

10- Close the opening. You’re done! 🙂

As I said, I’ll show you other examples of things you can make using this technique. Have fun and if you make something based on these instructions I’d love to see it!

73 thoughts on “How to Make Christmas Ornaments

  1. Anonymous says:

    Mais uma mão cheia de criatividade,parabéns.Ana(Já agora,porque poderá haver mais algumas cotas ,como eu,a visitar este blog e cujo inglês já ficou para trás há alguns anos, não deixe de postar na nossa língua mãe.)


  2. Ana Salomé says:

    Uau, são todos tão giros! Gosto muito da ideia e da explicação, acho que vou tentar fazer alguns para a minha árvore de Natal 😉 Entretanto, dá uma espreitadela ao meu blog, estou a comemorar o meu 100º post com uma oferta especial 🙂


  3. maria says:

    Conchinha, só para contar que agora sou adepta do teu blog e que venho espreitar a tua criatividade todos os dias. Nunca imaginei esse talento escondido e o que o futuro te prometia;) Aproveito para contar que me mudei, que estou a viver sozinha e que tenho uma prima a viver no mesmo prédio debaixo de mim. Já a desafiei a tirar a máquina de costura dela (nunca usada) do fundo do armário e começarmos a tentar fazer algumas coisas simples as duas. Vamos ver se nos sai alguma coisa de jeito… Vou começar pelos sacos de praia, encontrei aquele tecido dos tomates do Andy Warhol no Vidal, estou com vontade de fazer um assim 🙂 Já agora, onde posso fazer encomendas? Queria encomendar umas coisas que vi para a minha mais recente sobrinha (tens de conhecer a Mariana, é linda)! Um beijinho muito grande para ti e para o Tiago. Maria HM


  4. Honey Daze says:

    A minha mana documentou as decorações de natal que fiz < HREF="" REL="nofollow">há dois anos em feltro<>.Todos os anos, vou adicionando mais alguns, tanto em feltro como noutros meios. Não são feitos em cores tão alegres como os teus…


  5. Blossom says:

    I just came over here from Sew Mama Sew. You’ve done a beautiful job making these. I love the colours you’ve chosen and the embellishments. They are all so beautiful. You are absolutely right, it isn’t hard to make our own tree ornaments!


  6. Nanm says:

    I borrowed the idea for a gift for my son’s kindergarten teacher. I had him trace a gingerbread man cookie cutter onto felt, cut it out, and sew the two pieces together, and we stuffed it. I gave him a huge needlepoint needle and embroidery floss. With a little help, he did it all, and was SO excited to use a big sharp (not really) needle!


  7. Maria José says:

    Adoro seu blog e gostaria de parabenizá-la pelo tutorial de ornamentos natalinos e pelos lindos trabalhos postados no blog por você. Desejo que em 2009 você tenha muitas realizações e prosperidade. Moro no Brasil e sempre que posso passo por aqui. Parabéns e feliz 2009.Beijos,Maria José (


  8. Carine Calé says:

    Parabéns pelo seu tutorial tão especial, adoro seu trabalho, as cores que você usa e toda a sua criatividade!!!
    Coloquei seu link no meu blog, muito obrigada por compartilhar!!!


  9. Anonymous says:

    Dear Concha,
    Wonderful your page and lovely all your works!! Congratulation for your creative ideas.
    I would like to recommend to visit: la habitacion de kate in Malaga (South of Spain) where you can swap impressions about craft and maybe sell some of your nice articles.
    Enjoy Christmas time!!


  10. alaa nile says:
  11. alaa nile says:
  12. alaa nile says:

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